Independent and Assisted Living
Aloha Independent Living Hawai’i
Web contact form
From the website: We are here to assist you and answer any questions you may have. We are currently, the only Statewide provider for Independent Living Services and Programs in the State of Hawaii.
AILH provides five core services:
Information and Referral
Our staff will assist and provide information of community resources to help consumers with their independent living needs.
Peer Counseling
This service offers persons with disabilities an opportunity to be a part of a network of individuals with disabilities who are living independently in the community.
Support from peers offers emotional, social and practical assistance that helps people do the things they need to do to stay healthy and to continue to lead independent lives.
Consumer / Individual advocacy: We will work with persons with disabilities to obtain necessary support services from other agencies in the community.
Systems Advocacy: To inform and advocate for change in an effort to increase equality and inclusion for the disability community.
Independent Living Skills
Training provides individualized instruction in life skills and setting and achieving goals such as using public transportation, money management, social skills, recreation opportunities, daily living skills, self advocacy, etc.
Our staff assists young people with disabilities transition to employment, further education, or independent living. Our staff also assists people in transitioning from health care facilities back to community-based living or help people avoid entering institutions.
From the website: The Arc in Hawaii is a private, not-for-profit organization committed to providing quality direct and advocacy services for all individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD) in Hawaii. We believe in working with people so they are able to do things for themselves rather than having others doing things for them.
The Arc in Hawaii has provided quality services since 1954. The Arc in Hawaii provides direct services in the areas of Adult Day Health, Residential, and Waiver. Presently, The Arc operates three centers (Honolulu, Pearl City and Wahiawa) and twenty-one community-based residences for people with ID/DD. We assist participants in striving toward and reaching their individual goals.

Contact by phone numbers on website.
Maui resource. Housing counseling, Personal Care and Meals programs for elderly and people with disabilities.